Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I don't believe in perfection
Perfection is not truth
The flaws
. . the cracks
. the fault
. . . the warp
That is imperfect truth.
And that is what I believe in.
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Mel, exposing your insecurities is what makes you so interesting. We all have them, we just keep them bottled up! Thanks for responding.
Now. Frigging post your art! ;-)
You'll learn I'm the moodiest male in Indiana.
Now. Frigging post your art! ;-)
You'll learn I'm the moodiest male in Indiana.
Great meditation on the realities of this thing called life.
You should put that on a bumper sticker, or something.
You should put that on a bumper sticker, or something.
This is one of my suckier poems, but it kind-of relates:
I'm a bit obsessed with truth and the beauty of all things real and natural (thus not perfect).
This is great. I like it. :)
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I'm a bit obsessed with truth and the beauty of all things real and natural (thus not perfect).
This is great. I like it. :)
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